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中文翻译成英文 -
…… 翁习5560 1.昨天星期几? What day was it yesterday?2.我希望你现在身体好些. I wish that you are health now.3.前天他好好休息了一天. He had a good rest the day before yeasterday.4.他可以同时看见整个世界. He can see the whole world in the same time.5....

…… 翁习5560 1: you must first take umbrella. 2: your work today is to my satisfaction 3: your English is very good! - just know a little 吃山楂的好处很多,补充维生素啦,有机酸啦,还有就是有助于消化减轻胃负荷等等,坏处就是出得太多可能对牙齿不好 用set out: 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放就可以啦

中文怎么翻译成英文 -
…… 翁习5560 1. you in how many classes? I in four classes. 2. he not in eight grades. 3. she in eight classes? Yes, she. 4. his how many years old? 5. who is that? That is Mary. 6. you also in nine classes? Yes. 7. who are they? They are in seven year five class.

把汉语翻译成英语怎么说 -
…… 翁习5560 translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)

汉语翻译成英语~ -
…… 翁习5560 I am sincere service for you with the blue-collar, and my job is to bring you convenience: I put your satisfaction, bring home!

汉语译成英语 -
…… 翁习5560 1.这是一条白色的裤子. 1.This is a pair of white trousers. 2.这双鞋是什么颜色的?2.What color is this pair of shoes?考点是 a/the pair of 一条裤子的英语表达比较特殊

…… 翁习5560 I understand that your situation in live is hard. Don't ever think the clothes you wear and the materials you use in studying are worse than other students. Don't be self-abased. Students are not putting you down. You got to study hard to improve the ...

中文翻译成英语 -
…… 翁习5560 1 He studys in No.3 Primary School.He goes to school at 7 every morning.[在某个学校应用介词in.] 2 Father waters the flowers every morning. 3 My daughter likes watching television and listening to music 4 Does Sandy play badminton after school? No,she studys hard.She always reads books after school.

汉语翻译成英语 -
…… 翁习5560 Yes, I have. I am looking forward to your visit.

…… 翁习5560 1 .小偷偷走了那家人家所有的钱(rob) All the money of that family was robbed by the chief 2.多喝水是一种治疗感冒的好办法(renecedy) Drinking more water is a good way to remedy the flu. 3.我们应该采取行动防止该疾病蔓延(keep) We ...
